
This website is created and managed by The Johnson Law Firm, principal attorney Steven Johnson, Principal office: Fort Worth, Texas. Appointments may be available nationwide. 

This website is not intended by a solicitation or advertisement. Viewing information on this website does not create or establish an attorney-client relationship or serve as legal advice. Submission of information on this website does not constitute or construct an attorney-client relationship or serve as legal advice.


The Johnson Law Firm works on a contingent fee basis. Our clients are never at risk of having to pay any money out of their own pockets. All fees, court costs and expenses are only taken out of any recovery made for the client. If there is no recovery, the client owes nothing. Prior case results do not guarantee future results.

Where it is in the best interest of the case and the client, The Johnson Law Firm may associate with other counsel or firms. In the event of any association, the client will be provided Informed Consent as to the association and terms and authorize any association before such relationship will be established.

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If you have contacted us, received communication from us, and have not signed an Attorney Representation Agreement or contract with our firm, and you wish to discontinue any communication from our firm, you may notify us by emailing us at info@lawyersforclients.com with the subject line “OptOut” and include your name, phone, email or other information that will allow us to identify you for the sole purpose of discontinuing any communication to you.

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Should you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please email us at info@lawyersforclients.com.

Copyright Website created by The Johnson Law Firm. All rights reserved. 2024. For information regarding this website, please email info@lawyersforclients.com


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